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13.56MHz ICODE SLIX RFID Tag for Library Book Management RFID Label Inquiry

Product introduction

Custom 13.56MHz ICODE SLIX RFID Tag for Library Book Management RFID Label

An RFID library tag stores information about the item, such as its title, author, and on which shelf it is located. The tag communicates with an RFID reader, which is connected to the library's database, to track the movement of the item within the library. RFID library tags make it easier and faster for librarians to check items in and out, locate misplaced items, and manage the library's inventory.

RFID library tags mainly used by librarians to encoding book information into RFID tags for label data conversion processing. It can also identify and process the circulation status of books with RFID tags. Used to manage book information in RFID tags.

1) Background data processing is possible

2) Can borrow and return books

3) Reading ability: Write 100,000 times and keep the data for 10 years

4) The software interface is intuitive and simple

5) Tag size: customized

6) The equipment is based on a PC computer and integrates reading and writing equipment, reader card recognition equipment, barcode recognition equipment


1) Label data processin

2) Background data processing

3) Borrow and return books


Appearance: beautiful and flexible

interface: easy to understand

Function: Stable and efficient

Packing & Delivery

Tag:13.56MHz ICODE SLIX RFID Tag for Library Book Management RFID Label,RFID Tags,Smart Card
Clicks:236  Date:2024/6/23 【Print】 【Back  
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