This Pre-Saturated, Disposable Cleaning Card is designed to safely and effectively remove all dirt, magnetic oxides, and other contaminants from all concealed ![]()
magnetic heads, IC read/write heads, and photo and optic sensors on all reader mechanisms.
l Open pouch and take out the Cleaning Card.
l Insert the Cleaning Card into the Card Reader in the same manner as in using a regular credit card ton moisturize and clean the head.
l Pull and push the Cleaning Card slightly in Card Reader for few times.
l Insert the Cleaning Card into the Card Reader again to allow the Cleaning Card to remove stubborn contaminants.
l Simply discard the used Card.
l Once per week for Card Reader protected from weather or low usage Card Readers.
l Once per day for Card Reader exposed to weather or high usage Card Readers.
l Credit Card Readers
l Vending Machines
l ATM / POS Terminal
l Hotel Door Locks
l Gas Station Equipment
l Pay Phones
And many other applications